Hello, I’m Onuma, the author of this blog.
Today, I’m going to tell you about new members!
Hello! My name is Torinosuke. I like go cycling around Itoshima. I hear that locally produced chicken in Itoshima is delicious(I am also local bird in Itoshima) , but please don’t eat me ~(lol)
Hi! I am Seiko. I love to sing a song💛
I want to sing a song in front of many people someday.
I’m Inokichi! I’m very happy when I have a nice meal☆ Nice to meet you!
I’m Inu.
OK, everyone introduced themselves briefly. Now, I’m going to tell you about the contents of “Itoshima expediton” .
This is a project to introduce blog readers good sightseeing spots, nice spot where isn’t known by people, or delicious foods in Itoshima. Torinosuke, Seiko, Inokichi and Inu are members of “Itoshima expedition”.
They talk freely, then I will upload some pictures, and conclude their talks briefly. If I need, I would explain you about their talks in the middle of their talks.
Moreover, sometimes new characters who are not a main member will join the talk. If they appear, please accept them warmly!
We are going to trip around Itoshima, where has beautiful mountain, beach, and a lot of delicious foods ! Sometimes we will go far away from Itoshima. Please look forward to our activities!
What’s up, Seiko?
Isn’t Inu’s introduction too short? lol
I think so too(lol) What do you like, Inu?
Well…… I like to bask in the sun.
Oh~! I agree you. I love to relax in a warm day!
Now it’s time to finish. Next blog, I will tell you something good in Itoshima! (I don’t decide the content yet.)
Thank you for reading. Please look forward to next blog!
